Visually Same Encrypted Messages Beta v1

Secured with strong encryption like AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) used by Signal and Whatsapp

Encrypt your social message, keeping it visually the same.

Mentions annd HashTags are preserved for searching.

Keep or share the key with whomever you want to be able to decrypt the message.
Why? Because on Twitter and SMS there is a limit on the number of characters, so the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) or any other encryption will exceed that limit.


For now, only 270 characters are supported for encryption as a demo.
Disclaimer: Because this is a public beta, use this service at your own risk; We will not be liable for damages or losses arising from your use or any third party use or inability to use the service.
In the future, private APIs can be provided with better security and virtually no limits.
Please don't use this service for sensitive information. Contact at Github
This is a demo service, please don't abuse. Thank you for free tier.